Should You Turn Your Garage Into a Classroom?
With COVID-19 upending the way people live their everyday lives, Americans have had to adjust. 2020 has certainly thrown the kitchen sink at the world, and one of the biggest challenges right now is schooling. How are parents and children adjusting to at-home...
Make Your Next Garage Door Purchase a Cinch
Are you preparing for a garage door purchase? Look, buying a new garage door is not a walk in the park. It may seem like it because, after all, it is just another "door", but your garage door plays a vital and complex function. It serves as a security barrier, the...
The Future of Garage Door Technology
We are all ready to move on from 2020, so let's look ahead to 2030, specifically where garage door technology is concerned. Because the fact is garage door technology will look much different in a decade. Will people still be using garages as the room for their car or...
Why Annual Garage Door Maintenance is so Important
Your garage is one of the most important parts of your house. Yet far too often we neglect its maintenance. You spend a lot of time maintaining other aspects of your home, why not your garage door as well? Look at your garage door as a shield. It is the shield that...
How Secure is Your Garage?
Every homeowner worries about home security. It doesn't matter whether you lived in a gated community or on a rural farm - whether your home is safe and secure is at the front of your mind. Yet, there is one are of your house that might not immediately come to mind...
How to Create a Rockin’ Home Exterior
Your garage is an integral part of your home, no matter what you use it for. So it stands to reason that how your house looks is a direct reflection on how your garage looks and vice versa. Sure, solid garage design tips might help you get the most out of that space,...
What Does Your Garage Need?
Have you been looking at your garage wondering if you are getting the most out of it? Perhaps you want to give it the upgrade it deserves but simply do not know where to start. That's where we come in! We may be expert garage door repair professionals, but we also...
Warm Weather Garage Door Maintenance Tips
Are you as excited as we are for the warm weather? With Cuyahoga Falls in the 80s, now is the time to take a break into nature. There is no rule saying you must socially distance yourself from the birds and the trees; the blue sky and bees. Whether you live in Akron,...
How to Get the Most Out of Your Garage
These have certainly been extraordinary times. With COVID-19 upending world economies, shuttering businesses, and trapping people in their homes, suddenly the playbook of life has been thrown out. People are now rewriting the way they spend their day and live their...